Hiace rental car night
Rent a car. Rent a van life.
I'm interested in sleeping in the car. But suddenly buying a car...For those who are like that, we have started a reliable rental service.
Rental Hiace equipped with a sub-battery for sleeping in the car.
Great for solo camping or staying in the car with your family.
The irreplaceable "experience" itself,Please enjoy it.

Kazuki Auto overnight stay package α
Hiace developed by Kazuki Auto"Car night pack 10"We have prepared a special specification car with further enhanced equipment.
An off-road style exterior that allows you to go anywhere from the sea to the mountains.
The interior of the car is unified in warm brown with antique leather seats as the base.
In addition, we will equip our customers with items that would be nice to have, and provide customers with a “car night experience”.